If you think that muslim woman is oppressed, then think twice.
There is nobody in this earth more beautiful then a muslim woman .
What makes Muslim woman beautiful is her Faith and her purity ,her respect for herself and people around her ..
I'm not any less then other women .I'm proud of who I am and proud of my Faith .
I have my freedom , i have my choice to cover my body.
The difference between me and you ,is that I obey My Creator ,and you obey the creation ..
With the way I look I'm pleasing Him and not the eyes of strange men ...
I'm free from the worldly obsessions .My only worry, is will my God be pleased with me ?
Do not judge me for the way I look ,but instead ask me and I welcome questions ..
Some questions you may have :
Q. Is Islamic dress appropriate for modern times?
A: Islamic dress is modern and practical. Muslim women wearing Islamic
dress work and study without any problems or constraints.
Q. Does Islamic dress imply that women are submissive or inferior to men?
A: Islamic dress is one of many rights granted to Islamic women. Modest
clothing is worn in obedience to God and has nothing to do with
submissiveness to men. Muslim men and women have similar rights and
obligations and both submit to God.
Q. But aren't there Muslim women who do not wear Islamic Dress, or hijab?
A: Some Muslim women choose not to wear hijab. Some may want to wear it
but believe they cannot get a job wearing a head scarf. Others may not
be aware of the requirement or are under the mistaken impression that
wearing hijab is an indication of inferior status.

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