I may not be posting for a bit because my laptop has crashed on me :( Technology is so annoying! On the plus side.. if I can't get it fixed I'll just have to get a brand new shiny one, yayy (I hope it does though as I haven't backed anything up. Fantastic.) I'm writing this from a different laptop in case you were wondering lol..
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Outfit Ideas
Hmm think I'm guna nick my brothers eshamagh, I'm loving this look. Well, the headscarf look anyway, although a slightly looser, long sleeved version of that coat would be lush :D

Saturday, December 26, 2009
B*stards Strike Again..

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Square Hijab Tutorial
In under 30 seconds..
OK, I thought it was funny lool :D He's a revert, Masha'Allah, from Finland! His other videos are actually really good (and slightly more serious). I think they would benefit reverts and born Muslims alike, unlike some other converts videos that are just a bit, well, fickle.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Nabila's Pick Of The "Week"
I don't think I've done one of these posts in a month or so but I'm not going to switch to Nabila's pick of the month :S. Anywayy, here's her outfit:
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Showercap Hijab.. Quite Like It Actually
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Blue Dress
Quite an original name if I do say so myself:
(Haram Police: OK, I know the dress is tight but the jacket deals with that.. don't kill me..)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Why Do Women Impluse Buy So Much More Than Men?
My wardrobe is bursting at the seams. I actually feel quite sorry for it. And if I hadn't just (stupidly) spent 9 bloody pounds on a hijab magazine from 2hijab (an impulse buy, which I now wholly regret), I would now be buying several of these amazing and sensible scarf holders from Ikea which hold 28 scarves, would bring my wardrobe back from the brink of death and are only 2.99..! Click on the pic to check them out if, unlike me, you actually want to buy something that's useful..

So the take home message for me is, the next time I'm about to flippantly click the pay button, I'll man up and make a calculated, military decision to hit the 'X' button instead.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
An Almost Perfect Dress :D

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
"Sorry.. I'm Busy"

Zaenab :D
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
19 Facts On The Number 19 In The Holy Quran

1. The first verse (1:1), known as "Basmalah," consists of 19 letters.
2. The Quran consists of 114 suras, which is ..............19 x 6.
3. The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or ....19 x 334.[6234 numbered verses & 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) 6234+112 = 6346] Note that 6+3+4+6 =.......19.
4. The Basmalah occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 9 (it occurs twice in Sura 27) & 114= 19x6.
5. From the missing Basmalah of Sura 9 to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, there are precisely ...............19 suras.
6. It follows that the total of the sura numbers from9 to 27 (9+10+11+12+...+26+27) is 342, or .............19 x 18.
7. his total (342) also equals the number of words between the two Basmalahs of Sura 27, and 342 = ........19 x 18.
8. The famous first revelation (96:1-5) consists of .......19 words.
9. This 19-worded first revelation consists of 76 letters .19 x 4.
10. Sura 96, first in the chronological sequence, consists of ..............19 verses.
11. This first chronological sura is placed atop the last ..19 suras.
12. Sura 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters, and 304 equals .19 x 16.
13. The last revelation (Sura 110) consists of ............19 words.
14. The first verse of the last revelation (110:1) consists of ...........................19 letters.
15. 14 different Arabic letters, form 14 different sets of"Quranic Initials" (such as A.L.M. of 2:1), and prefix 29 suras. These numbers add up to 14+14+29 = 57 = ......19 x 3.
16. The total of the 29 sura numbers where the Quranic Initials occur is 2+3+7+...+50+68 = 822, and 822+14(14 sets of initials) equals 836, or ................. 19 x 44.
17. Between the first initialed sura (Sura 2) and the last initialed sura (Sura 68) there are 38 un-initialed suras 19 x 2.
18. Between the first and last initialed sura there are ....19 sets of alternating "initialed" and "un-initialed" suras.
19. The Quran mentions 30 different numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50,000, &100,000. The sum of these numbers is 162146, which equals 19x8534.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Designer Abaya Collection by Rayannes Design
I got 2 abayas from this store ,which are very unique and good quality .
If you looking for special designs and cuts ,then this is a place for you to checkhttp://www.rayannesdesign.com
They have very good promotions...
3 mix and match abayas and now its on sale for $135.91
2 set of abayas
There are many designs to choose from to fit your style .
They also have a lot of beautiful skirts .I don't wear skirts ,only except for under my abaya ,but for the sisters who like to wear skirts ,I'm sure you will love these beautiful designs .
http://www.rayannesdesign.com.Purses and other accessories are from different sites
For many working sisters its very hard to find the right style .Some jobs have a dress code and some even require a business suit .
If you are looking for a business suit ,here are some suits you can find at Rayannes Design website.
skirt suits http://www.rayannesdesign.com.Purses and other accessories are from different sites There are also many tops to mix and match with your clothes .I only wear abaya all the time ,but there are some tops I would wear under my abaya or for women only gatherings ...Its up to everyone what to choose.
I like these
This one for example can be worn over your Jilbab .Isn't it beautiful ?
And of course you have to check their Hijab shop .
They have gorgeous Silk Hijabs
And something very special they have, are these soft color Niqabs
Where else would you find such a nice light colors?
Artizara - A Quick Reveiw

My favorite, I really want it! The ruffled sleeves are so cute :D

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Beautiful abayas at sunnah style
assalamu aleikum
Sunnah Style .com has new arrivals .Beautiful plain abayas in different designs .
I love their new arrivals and they finally got a navy blue color abaya .
Pink Satin Full Butterfly Abaya
I wish I got this for Eid ,this is so me...They also have good deals on clearance
Some abayas are only $36
and this Bisht abaya is only $39 on sale
All abayas are very good quality ,made of Kuwaiti crepe .
There is very interesting Hijab Style I found on their web site
Hooded Wrap Hijab
It combines the one-piece and shayla hijab styles for a practical and elegant look. The hijab is designed with two pieces:
1. Hijab - Includes a face opening and covers the hair in the same way as a one-piece hijab.
2. Attached Shayla/Wrap - Attached rectangular piece of fabric that can be wrapped over the bottom hijab layer. It can also be loosely flipped over the bottom hijab layer to achieve a versatile Khaleeji look.
The hijab is great for sisters who have a hard time keeping their shayla in place or those who like the practicality of one-piece hijabs and khimars but want to try something different. It also works great with niqab since the shayla piece can be brought forward to cover the eyes if desired.
I guess its very similar to a regular kuwati wrap ,but this one is much larger .
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