One of my favorite stores that I personally had best customer service with and would like to recommend to others is
www.artizara.comThey have super fast shipping and beautiful , good quality clothes .
I ordered Hijabs from them before and the fabric of Hijabs was really beautiful and good quality.It was shipped after an hour or two, after I placed an order.
They have very interesting blog ,where they talk about different styles of clothes and Hijabs and also how to coordinate your clothes . This site would probably be very helpful for the sisters who just reverted to Islam and still going through a transition finding new style and just being yourself .
You can find some coupons on their blog and a very interesting contest they have on facebook,where you can win a $500
If you become their fan on Facebook, where more details on how to submit the work for the contest provided ,you will receive your 10% coupon by entering your email on the website:
If you are looking for gourgeous outfit for special occasion in your life ,then you can find the most beautiful Kaftans and other outfits in Artizara..
There are few white dresses that can even be worn as a wedding dress or Nikah dress.

Special Occasion dresses
You won't find anything more beautiful for a special occasion in online stores ,then these dresses.
I will post my favorite ones
If you worried about the price ,there are few options you may have .You can find a coupn on their blog $20 off a hundred dollar order ,or you can get %15 off as a new customer .